
After a few gorgeous days at the beach it was time for another city centre. We arrived on Sunday mid morning and the place was like a ghost town - we were beginning to wonder whether we had fallen under another curfew! I eventually found somewhere to dump our bags and Kate so I could go off in search of some accommodation. I strolled around the town for a while and soon found a suitable hostel. I returned to pick up Kate plus bags and we checked in only to be told the room was only empty for one night so we would have to find somewhere else to stay. Due to the fact I was not feeling too chipper (picked up a stinker of a cold in Punta del Diablo) we decided to take the room for the one night and look elsewhere the next morning.
After we had chilled out in the room and I had cleared most of the gunk from my nose we decided to take a stroll along the promenade. The river was more like a sea with waves constantly crashing against the sea wall. As the day was slightly overcast we had not seen Montevideo in it's best light. The next morning was the complete opposite. Bright blue skies and a refreshing breeze. Kate went in search of somewhere else to stay and came up trumps. Once we had moved we explored the town with renewed vigour and took in most of the nearby sights. Including the ashes of the dead chap I'm sat below. His urn was guarded by two figures who on closer inspection we discovered were real soldiers. It took a while for Kate and I took realise they were human - our excuse was that it was quite dark under the ground. By mid afternoon we were quite tired and retreated to our room for some sleep and emails. I managed to organise dinner with the couple that owned the cabana in Punta del Diablo - In Uruguay, locals don't eat dinner until 10pm so the rest of the afternoon was an extended siesta.
We were picked up from our hotel by Roberto and Andrea. Kate and our two hosts sat in the front of their pickup while I hopped into the back. We sped through the Montevideo night and soon found a place to eat. We chatted over our meal in a mixture of English and Spanish - mostly English I am ashamed to say. After dinner we visited a small market then popped into a petrol station to buy some beers and drank them on the promenade over looking the yacht club. It was a lovely evening and we made some good friends.
The next day we explored the town once more. We were given a few tips by Andrea of things to see and places to eat. Whilst checking out a nearby mall we managed to find a great shop but was slightly disappointed by it's products - they will be getting a visit from Trade Descriptions!
Using a tip from Andrea we ate a late lunch at the Mercado del Puerto. The building used to be the old train station but is now home to several Parillas. The smell of BBQ-ed meat was fantastic - A carnivores heaven! Kate and I both ordered steak and we received the biggest hunks of meat we had ever seen. Utterly delicious! With our stomachs full of gorgeous grass fed cow we waddled back to our room to pack in preparation for our trip to Colonia.

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