La Paz and the World's Most Dangerous Road

First thing I did when we arrived in La Paz was to book myself onto the Road of Death! Opted for a company called Downhill Madness mainly because of a recommendation from Mr. Arcus! We then had a day to explore La Paz.

Found a zebra crossing and Dumbo's Ice-cream bar (Thanks Georgie!). We also found a museum with some traditional folk masks which were a little freaky. We only went in as it started to pee down, but when we were told it was free that was an added bonus! Along with the museum we also explored the "Mercado Negro" and the witches market. The latter was made up of a few stalls mainly selling llama foeti, lovely!

Not the person you want to meet on a dark night in La Paz

None were particularly PC!

The next day was "Throw yourself off a mountain day". Well it was for me. Kate found a posh hotel and booked herself in for a massage and relaxation session. I on the other hand was up at sparrow fart to join a motley crew as we hurtled down the world's most dangerous road.

Me in my trusty skid lid - like that will help if I fly off a cliff!

One of this group who goes by the name of Bruce managed to send his bike over the edge and only just managed to stop himself from following! (video on my facebook profile)

The famous photo

The ride down was amazing and I recommend it to anyone. I had two hairy moments on the wide/fast sections when my rear tyre blew out. I had to stop with my shoes dragging along the ground! The buffet lunch and pool at the end were a welcome relief from the hot and dusty day.

It was then time to pack our bags and head off to Uyuni to see the salt flats.

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