Corn Islands

Welcome to a slice of paradise! White sandy beaches bordered with leaning palm trees laden with coconuts. Reefs accessible from the beach to snorkel with Nurse Sharks and Sting Rays. The freshest lobster for lunch or dinner washed down with ice cold Tona or ron. What an amazing place. Thanks Georgie and Chris for the tip.

Five beautiful days on Little Corn were filled with either walking, snorkelling, swimming, lazing around and reading.

We were cooked rondon (basically a caribbean soup with coconut, plantain, yucca, lobster, fish crab and anything really) by Dennis a master of the machete!

Minnow, the dog owned by our host, befriended us for our entire stay. She was such a cute little thing and fiercely protective of us, barking at any locals that tried to say hello! However she did have a particularly evil side. She would regularly stick her nose down sand crab holes and give them a good sniff. If there was anyone home the crab would be promptly excavated and gnashed at. If it didn't die from the dig she would then proceed to quickly bite it and toss it into the air until no limbs remained. She didn't want to eat them, it was purely sport! Whilst we sat around playing cards and drinking ron during a warm Caribbean evening up to 7 crabs would despatched.

View of our beach from Casa Iguana

Kate enjoying the warm tropical waters (see if you can spot her)

Wash day!

Kate attempting to climb for a coconut

Dennis: Our chef preparing the rondon

The rondon bubbling away - delicious

Minnow digging for crabs

Face of an angel hides the crab's nemesis

The cruel result of a frantic five minutes


Georgie and Chris said...

Where did you stay, was your hut on the beach? Did Dennis offer his services as an island guide?? Glad to see he's still serving up Rondon - don't suppose he managed to find a lobster for it...or maybe you were paying a higher premium!!

David said...

Yes, the hut was on the beach about 3m from the sea. Our deck looked over the sunrise - Carlitos.

Dennis didn't offer himself as an Island Guide. I don't think he is the same Dennis. Check you pictures. Unfortunately no lobster found it's way into the rondon.

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