
Ometepe is the largest island in lake in Nicaragua. It is made of two volcanoes Concepcion (active) and Maderas (dormant) joined by a low isthmus. We decided to stay in an eco lodge on the slopes of Maderas for the duration of our time, mainly because it was cheap! This was reflected however in the lack of decent facilities and rather smelly sheets. We shared our hut with a few local friends - some friendlier than others.

A friendly friend (coo coo my dove)

A not so friendly friend (whip spider)

Our eco lodge

Entering the eco lodge

We only managed to climb one of the volcanoes during our stay. Quite frankly one is more than enough and especially the smaller one, only by 200m though. The ascent was crazy! Literally straight up the damn thing, they believe in taking the shortest route here. The climb was fine but in near 100% humidity and 38oC heat I did have a funny five minutes when we reached the crater lake. Nothing a couple of sweets and some more water couldn't fix - never felt anything like it before, not even after triathlons or half-marathons.

The crater lake - Kate was fine, Donald Cox however had a funny turn!

View of Volcan Concepcion on the descent. When we return to Nicaragua it will be conquered!

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