Australia - Sydney

We arrived in Sydney to a warm welcome from Will, Saffy and Scarlett. We then sped across Sydney to a cold welcome beer from Alex in Bondi. Mr and Mrs Bell had very kindly agreed to put us up for several nights just minutes away from the beach.

We spent our first few days revisting the famous sights of this fantastic city and falling in love with it all over again. The pictures of Sydney Opera house always flatter - it's not that white, but still magnificent no matter how many times one sees it.

We took a ferry across to Taronga zoo to see some of Australia's iconic mammals, marsupials and reptiles. We were also fortunate to get a glimpse of their newly born Asian elephant.

I think the heat of Sydney may have affected me and I booked myself in with Mike Medusa of Bondi Ink to have a tattoo on my inner right arm. I think it was one of the most painful voluntary things I have done but well worth the discomfort and I am very pleased with the result. My Mother's reaction - "Why is it soo big?"

The next day we decided to walk the coastal path from Bondi to Coogee. A great little stroll taking in some of Sydney's best beaches.

Unfortunately having just had my arm butchered I was not allowed in the inviting surf as submersion in water could have a detrimental affect on the design, very bad timing.

For our fourth evening we were invited for cocktails at the Shangri La Hotel by Mr and Mrs Howard. I unfortunately let the side down and was refused entry as I was wearing my flip-flops/jandals/thongs. I did manage to get a few snaps from the superb vantage point the bar had to offer before being thrown out onto the street. Later that evening we went to watch Bhanglassi (Alex's band - check them out on myspace) live at the Annandale. It was a great gig however I was slightly over dressed for the venue.

The next day we checked into the Bondi Beach House, hopefully leaving Alex and El's flat in a reasonable state. We haven't been sent any bills yet so the open house party didn't leave too many marks. Thanks again to the both of you for a great stay.

After we had checked out we met Kate's old uni friend, Faye, for a coffee on Bondi Beach before meeting Will at Circular Quay to spend the evening in Leichhardt. We were treated to BBQ steak courtesy of Chef Will and spent the evening drinking beer, wine and catching up.

During the week we managed to organise a relocation deal to drive a car from Bondi to Melbourne. The next morning we got up with high hopes of driving our Smart Car down the coast. Annoyingly, just two hours before we were to pick it up the company cancelled the booking so we went with plan "B" and bought tickets for the night train.

After we had invoked our backup plan we spent our final afternoon gawping at the fish of Sydney Aquarium. Once we had seen enough fish a call was made to "Will Taxi" to bring us our bags and take us to the station - what service - cheers fella!


Claire said...

Mason - you are such a commoner trying to get in posh places in your flip flops - will we ever get you cultured...???!!!!! XXX

David said...

I got let in Claire, I was in posh sandals I'll have you know; it was riff raff Temple they wouldn't let in! Maybe something to do with the shaved head, tatoo, flip flop combo??

Hostels Valencia Nest said...

Wow! If you liked Sydney, then you'll definitely LOVE Valencia :)

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