
We touched down in Singapore several kilos heavier having tried to eat and drink Quantas out of business during the flight. After a seamless passage through immigration we left the very crowded airport behind, something about an exploding volcano, whatever will they come up with next to explain away delays eh? The tail end of the Australian summer had done nothing to prepare us for the heat and humidity of Asia and by the time we reached our hostel at Mount Emily we were shadows of our former selves.

After a much needed lie in we left our hostel to do what has to be done in Singapore and that is shop! Orchard road is where the action is and shoppers are spoilt for choice will mall after mall to pick from.

With a recommendation from Alex (little bruv Mason) under our belts that evening we set off for the night safari on the outskirts of the city. We waited for 50 minutes in the craziness of Little India for the bus to arrive but arrive it eventually did and we were soon transported to a nocturnal wonderland. If you've ever visited a zoo and felt short changed by the fact that all the animals are asleep then this is the place for you. All the creatures are up and about due to the fact that it is the natural time for them to be on the move, we saw tigers prowling, leopards leaping, flying squirrels, well flying and a whole array of other critters too.

The next day we explored the non shopping side of the city and first on the list was Singapore's most famous landmark Raffles. We shuffled up to the doorman in our shorts and flip flops to enquire about a dress code for an appointment with a Singapore sling later in the day and he informed us that we would be fine in our scruffs as 'they're really not fussed, they just want your money!'; blunt but honest.

We had a wander around the famous grounds, visited the museum, but decided that we would return later to quaff our Singapore slings.

Spent the rest of the day exploring the city; we walked to the harbour side and found the Merlion, disappointingly no legend around the existence of this creature, it was created during the 1960's as a ruse to attract tourists to Singapore! We took a Bumboat up the river and joined the locals for lunch in one of hawker markets, who said Singapore was expensive? Less than £4 for lunch and drinks and we were stuffed to the gills!

After a couple of hours recovering from the heat we reemerged in our gladdest of rags and made our way back to Raffles to sup our Slings in style

Dave tried to make up for the horrendously expensive drinks by eating his own body weight in peanuts, they were lovely though! We toasted the start of a new chapter in our travels and headed back to our hostel in readiness for our journey to Malaysia the following day.

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