More Utila

We are still here in Utila and are spending most of our days diving in the incredibly warm waters of the Caribbean - 30oC.
The marine life here has been very exciting for me, as someone who learned to dive in the murky waters of Portsmouth! The highlights have included a couple of turtles, a stingray, moray eels, trumpet fish, cow fish (moooo!), barracuda, horse mackerel, sea horses, squid and a lesser spotted diving Dave.

We have also been in search of the Whale Sharks which pass the coast of this island. It is one of the few places in the world where they come so close to land and so there has been great excitement whenever they have been spotted from the boat. Our captain Cookie is something of an expert in tracking them down and several times has shouted for us to get our snorkels and fins on as he's spotted one nearby. Unfortunately we've always been just a little too late to be in the water before the shark dives down to the depths.

We've had a great time on the boat and relaxing back on land.

We've been here long enough that our favourite bar shouted us a beer on Dave's birthday and are even running us a tab now.

It is easy to see how people end up staying here for weeks and months rather than days. We, however, will be leaving on Monday to continue our travels down to Nicaragua. Apparently that's what everyone says; we'll let you know!


Georgie and Chris said...

Have you learned the complicated symbol for a trumpet fish yet? Its a cool place Utila and im mildy jelous but if your after really cool and laid back then don't go to the Corn Islands as its horrible and sandy and not like paradise at all!! spend a week in Teguicgalpa and that is how the yokals spell it. On a more British note thanks ever so much for the cricket tickets, we had a hot sunny day to get lashed and enjoy the banter of the army, the barmy barmy army..raaaaaaa (we didn't have the balls to hold the snakey after seeing the sheep get tossed out)

Anonymous said...

hey guys see youve seen lonley george!
you can e-mail me on so you can now e-mail me on that. talk soon and keep it updated 4 me.

Anonymous said... is emilys e-mail address so luv you love from emily the best cousin

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